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GEFRAN 10293 FFE200 Regenerative fundamental front end power suppliers
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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить GEFRAN 10293 FFE200 Regenerative fundamental front end power suppliers, а также другие запчасти от
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FFE200 series is the Gefran solution for regenerative power supply to be used as an alternative to traditional braking resistors. Everytime there is no stringent harmonic distortion requirements, which by the way can be addressed by the AFE200 series, the Fundamental Front End technology allows to supply the high power drive through the DC bus. How the FFE200 application can provide benefits: Cabinet size Reduced No Complex filters required being the sole AC Choke enough to guarantee a sufficient level of harmonic distortion. Efficiency enhancement of the internal power module Limited internal dissipative losses. The FFE200 line includes a range with rated currents of up to 880A in stand-alone configuration and 4000A in parallel configuration for three-phase 400V AC and 690 V AC power supplies. Highly versatile, it can be used with the SMB200 when the system has different motorizing energy and braking needs, thereby reducing overall system cost. Options &bull, Line inductance (mandatory) &bull, External EMI mains filterFundamental Front End Regenerative Power Supply Unit, from 500A to 4000A 400V series: * Power supply: 380VAC -15% &hellip,500VAC +5%, 50/60Hz * Power ratings: from 300kW to 2.1MW 690V series: * Power supply: 500VAC -10% &hellip,690VAC +10%, 50/60Hz * Power ratings: from 475kW to 3.4MW * Overload 150% for 60 sec every 5 minutes (Heavy duty) or 110% for 60 sec every 5 minutes (Light duty) * IP00-rated protection * Certifications: CE. Features: - Integration of up to 2 options on board the drive - GF-eXpress multi-language programming SW (5 languages) - Integrated KB_ADV programming keypad Inputs / Outputs:
- 2 bipolar analog inputs (Voltage/Current)
- 2 bipolar analog outputs (1: Voltage/Current, 1: Voltage)
- 6 digital inputs (PNP/NPN)
- 2 digital outputs (PNP/NPN)
- 2 relay outputs, single contact
- RS485 serial line (Modbus RTU)
- DeviceNet, Modbus, GDnet, CANopen, Ethercat, PROFIBUS, PROFINET
- Climatic conditions: EN 60721-3-3
- Electrical safety: EN 50178, EN 61800-5-1, UL508C, UL840 pollution level 2
- Vibrations: EN 60068-2-6, test Fc.
- EMC EN61800-3
- Ambient temperature: 0 ...40°C, +40°C&hellip,+50°C with derating
- Altitude: Max 2000 m.
- CE: Complies with the EEC directive concerning low voltage equipment.
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