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GEFRAN 10351 ICS-ADL300 Integrated solution for elevators
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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить GEFRAN 10351 ICS-ADL300 Integrated solution for elevators, а также другие запчасти от
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ICS (Integrated Control System) is the new elevator control platform developed by Gefran, in which the system control board is integrated into the inverter, while providing the car&rsquo,s typical functions with a plug&play logic, thus reducing design, installation, and maintenance costs. Applications: load and passenger elevators, High Rise buildings and Home Lift, gearless and geared motors, control panels and Roomless (MRL) configurations, new installations and renovations. Functions: High performance: &bull, Direct landing. &bull, 200% overload for 10 sec. &bull, Position control. &bull, Number of elevators: Simplex - Duplex – Group (up to 8) &bull, Number of stops: up to 64 &bull, Number of floors: up to 64 &bull, Car door operation: up to 3 independent doors &bull, Speed range: up to 4 m/s &bull, Communication by CAN or serial RS485 &bull, Comfort: &bull, Floor alignment with less than 2 mm tolerance. &bull, No vibrations. &bull, Anti-rollback. &bull, Contactorless. &bull, Safety: &bull, UCM* according to of EN 81-20:2014 and 5.8 of EN 81-50:2014 (9.11.3 and F.8 of EN 81-1:1998+A3:2009) &bull, Safety Torque Off (STO) EN61800- 5-2-2007 SIL3 (integrated) &bull, Safety chain certification Options: &bull, Car Roof card (ICS-CR) &bull, Car Operator card (ICS-COP) &bull, Floor display (ICS-FD) &bull, Car display (ICS-CD)Integrated solutions for elevators from 1.1 kW to 75 kW * Power supply:
- ICS-ADL300-2T: 3 x 200-230Vca, 50/60Hz
- ICS-ADL300-2M: 1 x 200 Vca, 1 x 230 Vca, 50/60Hz
- ICS-ADL300-4: 3 x 230-400-480Vca, 50/60Hz
- ICS-ADL300-2T: 5,5 ... 37kW
- ICS-ADL300-2M: 1,1 ... 5,5kW
- ICS-ADL300-4: 4 ... 75kW
- Type of motor: asynchronous and permanent magnet synchronous motors
- Integrated LED keypad
- Integrated EMI filter in -F models
- Choke:
- ICS-ADL300-2T: DC choke: no, AC choke: external (optional)
- ICS-ADL300-2M: no
- ICS-ADL300-4: DC choke: integrated (from size 4300). For smaller sizes, it is external (optional), AC choke: external (optional)
- Braking system:
- ICS-ADL300-2T integrated up to 30 kW with external resistor
- ICS-ADL300-2M: integrated
- ICS-ADL300-4: Integrated up to 55 kW with external resistor
- TTL / HTL, SinCos, Endat encoders
- Standard protection rating IP20
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